Renewable Energy

Landfill Solar Arrays, Flintshire, Wales

Lingard Styles were appointed by Flintshire County Council to act as lead environmental consultant for two proposed solar arrays on council owned landfill sites, adjacent to urban areas. 

We coordinated a team of specialists including engineers, ecologists, archaeologists, hydrologists and planners. Lingard Styles also provided design services, a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA), an energy statement and submitted both planning applications.

The successful schemes will have a peak output of 1.3 MW and help Flintshire County Council towards meeting its carbon reduction commitments.

"I was particularly impressed by the responsiveness and flexibility that Lingard Styles demonstrated throughout the project..." Will Pierce, Energy Manager, Flintshire County Council. 



Navidale Wind Turbines, Scotland

We have completed numerous Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments (LVIAs) throughout England and Wales, but our furthest north was in the Highlands of Scotland.  Highland Council Guidance is known to be some of the most rigorous for wind turbine applications.  We liaised closely with the Highland Council planning officer and produced a LVIA, Wild Land Assessment and photomontages for the two turbine scheme (46m to blade-tip).

LVIA and Appeal: Wind Turbines, Powys, Wales

Lingard Styles provided a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) and photomontages for two wind turbines (40m to blade-tip) in Powys near Knighton.

Although the scheme was originally refused permission on the grounds of  landscape character and appearance, an appeal was made. The planning inspector agreed with the findings of our LVIA and allowed the appeal, granting planning permission.



LVIA, Residential Visual Amenity Assessment and Appeal: Wind Turbine, Llanidloes, Wales

We provided a LVIA, photomontages, cumulative assessment and residential visual amenity assessment for a wind turbine (37m to blade-tip) between Llanidloes and the Clwyedog Reservoir. 

The scheme posed some particular challenges such as being within a Landscape of Special Historic Interest and close to Glyndwr's Way National Trail. However, the scheme was approved following an appeal during which we provided further supporting information including a residential visual amenity assessment.